Premium Baby Play Mats – Safe, Soft & Stylish
The Perfect Play Space for Your Little One Create a cozy and safe environment with our premium baby play mats. Designed for newborns and toddlers, each mat features non-toxic materials...
Supporting Aussies, their families and friends. The Neptune family is much more than a weighted blanket company. We’re dedicating to helping Aussies live a better, more fulfilling life.
The Neptune Project is our way of being a support system for those that need it most. Every month we’ll work with a different organization to find ways to give back to our community, and we’ll continue to widen our abilities to help the disadvantaged.
To increase the awareness of our services and how to access them among young people, their families, friends and the broader community.
It’s hard to speak up. We want to help reduce the stigma around mental illness as well as encourage people to seek help.
The Perfect Play Space for Your Little One Create a cozy and safe environment with our premium baby play mats. Designed for newborns and toddlers, each mat features non-toxic materials...
Create a Cozy & Fun Play Area Transform your child's bedroom or playroom with our beautifully designed kids and nursery rugs. Each rug is crafted to enhance playtime while adding...
Here at Neptune, we have created the Neptune Project to give back to our community and find ways we can help support those that need it most. We loved working...
The Neptune Project is our way of being a support system for those that need it most. We were lucky enough to donate a bunch of our Neptune Weighted Blankets to...
We were lucky enough to be able to donate a couple of Mellow Mats to the Wicking House Aminjarrinja recently. Scott from the Wicking House said "These mats are super...
September's Neptune Project was all about helping the children at the Heart Centre for Children at Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network. The Psychology team at the Heart Centre for Children supports...
It’s always important to practise self care, make effective lifestyle choices, and de-stress regularly. At Neptune Blanket, we know this better than anyone: our weighted blankets are essentially one big...
Neptune Blanket Supports the Australian Childhood Foundation July’s Neptune Project was one close to our hearts as we lent our support to the wonderful Australian Childhood Foundation. Founded in 1986,...
Ever lost your train of thought mid-conversation, struggled to master a new computer program, or forgotten someone’s name? You could be correct in blaming lack of sleep. A growing area...
In our increasingly fast-paced, constantly-connected world, a good night’s sleep is at a premium. Unfortunately, however, it’s something many of us are missing out on, with recent YouGov data revealing...
May’s Neptune Project was all about the kids, as we happily lent our support to CHIPS. A non-profit, volunteer organisation based in south-eastern Melbourne, CHIPS (Christians Helping in Primary Schools)...
With chronic sleeplessness linked to everything from obesity to depression, high blood pressure and diabetes, getting enough shut-eye tops the to-do list for many of us. But if you’ve counted...